Thursday 25 July 2013

Chapter 9: North Hastemire

         After days of riding he had finally arrived atop a hill looking over the valley that stood between him and the castle. This castle that he once called home, where his family was. Calling on his horse to advance, the two got closer and as they did he sensed something different about the kingdom. What once was so pure and welcoming had become suspicious and defensive; as if all love was ripped away and consumed by a greater evil. A shudder ran through the man’s spine; he thought he had seen the worst of things while being in the front lines - until now. Riding into the village he noticed he was not recognized, only stared at as if he didn’t belong. Looking back at the faces peering up at him, he realized that they were new to him as well. Not a single recognizable face was in view. Quickly he turned and took off to the stables in hope of the faces he knew could never forget.
An older man was cleaning out an empty stable as he approached. The lines in the man’s face showed the many years that had passed.  Jumping off his horse, the young man called out, “I’m home!” 
The age on the older gentleman’s face lifted as he came out and looked in disbelief upon his sons face. 
“Jasper!” The joy in the man’s voice warmed his son. “I’m so... so sorry.” Slowly his voice dropped and became much more serious. Leading his son to an old bench the old man sat down and told Jasper all he knew about Princess Elise and Zoeloft.
“... she’s gone?” Jasper looked deep into his loving father’s eyes, “...and Zoeloft is with her?” He had so many questions, questions his father didn’t have any answers to. Finding the truth meant he had to go looking. After some moments of recollection and grief Jasper stood, gave a fervent goodbye to his father, and jumped back upon his horse. His father watched as Jasper set off to find his love and best friend, proud to have raised such a loyal son. As a tear formed in the man’s eye, he went back to work. 
Jasper rode as quickly as he could to the caves, the one place he knew would point him in the direction closest to his friend. Once Zoeloft was found, answers would start to reveal themselves. Winding through the trees effortlessly, Jasper rode closer to the lake where the original adventure had begun. Jumping off his horse as fast as he could, he dove into the water, swimming towards the portal. It wasn’t as he remembered it. Just as the castle was, it was darker and haunting. Jasper tilted the door slightly to the left and pushed it enough to slip through as he had years before. Entering the first tunnel, he closed the door behind him and looked  around him. The walls were dim, hardly emitting any of the purple glow that would light the way down the tunnel. Trudging forward shin deep in water Jasper stroked his hand across the walls, they were unable to absorb the water he stood in. The whole tunnel was covered in burn marks, and filled with a thin layer of smog. Each step Jasper took brought him to the conclusion that this was something’s home, some creature that would not kindly greet anybody who happened to stumble through. Slowly and quietly, trying not to disturb whatever it was that was awaiting him, he made it through the cave unnoticed. Jasper exited the cave through the portal that led up to North Hastemire, for no better reason than that it was the quickest way out. 
The sun was almost blinding after being through the dark and gloomy cave. The North Hastemire was two days ride from the kingdom Jasper had returned to. Flashes of exploring the Hastemire with Zoeloft rushed over Jasper and tears came to his eyes. He could not tell if this had been their end, he did not know if they survived. Regardless, Jasper was a true friend, and would not stop searching. He began to walk down into the valley following the West breeze; it led him on, and he hoped that one day he would find his lost love, and his best friend.
Zoeloft looked out across the castle rampart. The days and nights had become very long, and he longed for something that he could not explain. The feeling ate away at his soul, and he felt the desperation of hopelessness; he had not felt this feeling in a long time, not since he last fled the cave. His rough hand clenched a shiny object. He turned his back on the wall and walked back to his quarters. 
Zoeloft heard a man call from outside.
“Excuse me, Sir, but there is a strange-looking man outside the gate wishing to speak to you!”
“What does he want?” Zoeloft asked, his curiosity piqued. 
“He did not say. He only wanted to talk to you, something about a girl.” Zoeloft peered out his window, the sky was grey and it threatened to rain. 
“Who are you? Why have you come for me?” he thought to himself. Zoeloft made his way to the gate, unsure whether to be excited or scared of the man who had requested an audience with him. Straightening up as much as he could to assert his power, Zoeloft reached the gate and called the man to turn and enter. 
Zoeloft and Jasper stood face to face. Their friendship had always been based on loyalty and truth. As the two looked into each others eyes, Jasper still had the friendliest of looks despite all he had seen. A small smile stretched the corners of Zoeloft’s mouth as he looked upon the man who had brought him through so much. Jasper let out a deep laugh and wrapped his arm around his friend’s shoulders. The two both felt the same; they missed each other but knew there was a new tension between them. They began to walk, Jasper fell slightly behind his friend as they wandered through the kingdom Zoeloft had created. Jasper could hardly believe this belonged to a man that came from nothing; it wasn’t much but was still a major accomplishment. Reaching Zoeloft’s quarters the two took a seat, and began to converse over a drink of ale. 
“It’s been a long time, Jasper,” Zoeloft said, beholding his long lost friend, and took a swig out of the mug in front of him, “I’ve been out here by myself these long years, trying to make the most I can of myself.”
“Where is Elise?” asked Jasper, getting straight to what was on his mind.
“I... don’t know, my friend. There are rumors that she ran away.”
“Zoeloft, I want the truth. I know you were with her, tell me what happened.”
“I know what you think, Jasper, and it wasn’t like that. I’ll tell you everything.” Zoeloft lied to Jasper about his love for Elise; he could not bear to tell the truth. He told Jasper that Elise had left for the North Hastemire in an attempt to make a new life for herself.
“I must go back there!” Jasper cried out. “How can I let the love of my life slip away? I know she would wait for me!”
“There is something that I would appreciate your help with before you go, Jasper.” Zoeloft said. “I have been searching for my princess, but she has been taken away and held captive. Can you help me find her?” 
“I would do anything for you, my friend” Jasper replied. 

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